Problem with center map and show only one item

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il y a 1 an 2 mois #5347 par gdietz68
I have a problem with the GMap FP Free Version:
Since some of the recent updates (?), the items on the contact pages are no longer displayed correctly.
The map is no longer centered and only one map with all items / entries is displayed. However, only the address of the contact details should be displayed.
Joomla V 4.4.0
GMap Free 4.13F

Thank you for your help
Gabi Dietz
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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 2 mois #5348 par gmapfp

Have you a link ?
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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 2 mois #5349 par gdietz68
Here is an example:  Andreas Werner Raumausstatter (
I always include a card at the end of the members page.
G. Dietz
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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 1 mois #5350 par gmapfp
In your exemple, you displayed on the map some markers.
The center is good but not the zoom.

Which code you use to display the map ?
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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 1 mois #5354 par gdietz68
yes, I have created several items. However, only 1 item should be displayed per contact.
So far this has worked without any problems.
Now the same map with all items is displayed for all contacts.
I use the {gmapfp id="2" } for example.
G. dietz
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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 1 mois #5361 par gmapfp

Can you send me a super user login by mp ?
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