GmapFP does't work

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il y a 1 an 2 mois #5344 par Beckmann
GmapFP does't work a été créé par Beckmann
I'm trying to get gmapfp to work. I tried using Google Maps within an article with the following call:  {gmapfp id="3" kml_file="" hmap="500" map_choix="4" map_sat="1" map_nor=" 2" zmap="11" itin="2" click_over="2" map_centre_lat="-3.0572164609949617" map_centre_lng="37.25539504687504"}The path to the kml file is correct, but the map of Orleans is always displayed. Elsewhere the call is:  {gmapfp id="12" kml_files="" hmap="680" map_choix="4" map_sat="1" map_nor ="2" zmap="14" itin="2" click_over="2" map_centre_lat="47.33" map_centre_lng="10.3071"}At least the correct area is shown there, but unfortunately the path isn't either.I would actually prefer openstreetmap, but there doesn't seem to be any paths there, or am I looking at it wrong and you could pass gpx files.System: Joomla 4.4.1, gmapfp J4.13FThanks for the support
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il y a 1 an 2 mois - il y a 1 an 2 mois #5345 par Beckmann
Réponse de Beckmann sur le sujet GmapFP does't work
I 've tested with kml_files (gmapfp Version 3) and kml_file (gmapfp Version 4), the result ist the same. The Joomla Installation is a update from 3 to 4 . May be, something is going wrong that time.
Dernière édition: il y a 1 an 2 mois par Beckmann.

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il y a 1 an 2 mois #5346 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet GmapFP does't work

I not encoded the kml support in the Joomla 4 map plugin.
I will make it the next week.

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il y a 1 an 1 mois - il y a 1 an 1 mois #5351 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet GmapFP does't work

Can you send me a link, because I tested it and it's works fine !

You must use kml_file=".........."
Dernière édition: il y a 1 an 1 mois par gmapfp.

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il y a 1 an 1 mois #5352 par Beckmann
Réponse de Beckmann sur le sujet GmapFP does't work
Hi, at the moment I'm very busy. My first test does't work, but I 'll test it next weekend again.

The Link:  

<h1>Auf der Lemosho Route zum Uhuru Peak</h1>
<p>Bei der Besteigung des Kilimanjaro haben wir die Lemosho-Route genutzt. Dazu hier eine Karte zum Tourverlauf.</p>
<p> </p>
{gmapfp id="3" kml_file="" hmap="500" map_choix="4" map_sat="1" map_nor="2" zmap="11" itin="2" click_over="2" map_centre_lat="-3,0572164609949617" map_centre_lng="37,25539504687504"}
<p> </p>
<p> </p>

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Plus d'informations
il y a 1 an 1 mois #5353 par gmapfp
Réponse de gmapfp sur le sujet GmapFP does't work
Can you send me a super user login by mp ?

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