Thanks for the hint for issue 1.
I haven't noticed that GmapFP category translation is in within Joomlas categories,
because those were already translated
For issue 2 - frontend translation, I solved it by customizing GmapFP output:
In Location title and description fields I used this syntax:
- In title field I used this syntax: Croatian title; English Title; German title; etc.
- alias field will be untranslated
- In description field: Croatian description text ; English description text; German description text; etc.
Basically I used semicolon ; as delimeter
I created my own gmapfp template overrides and added some php string related code to explode string into arrays,
and switch function which displays data from array according to currently active language.
If preg_match function doesn't detect
; in those fields, my functions are bypassed completely
With this approach all translation is done via GmapFP frontend location manager